Problems Addressed

Water scarcity, labor problem, high cost of production are the major problems in paddy growing areas (92169 ha) under TBP irrigation command.

KVK Interventions / Technologies Demonstrated

  • Drill sowing method.
  • Pre-emergent herbicide application of Pendimethalin @ 750ml/acre on the day of sowing.
  • Post emergent herbicide application of Bispyribac sodium @ 100ml/acre at 20-25 DAS.
  • Soil application of Zinc sulphate.

Activities Undertaken By ICAR-KVK, HAGARI

  • Conducted FLD for 6years
  • Villages covered : 12
  • Farmers / area covered : 60 / 25 ha
  • Trainings to farmers : 18
  • Training to extension functionaries : 12
  • Field days : 10 in collaboration with KSDA
  • KrishiAbhiyana : 5 in collaboration with KSDA

Advantages of DSR Method

  • Reduction in the cost of production (10000 to 12000 rupees/ha)
  • Requires lesser seed rate (25 kg/ha) than transplanted conditions (62.5 kg/ha)
  • Saves water
  • Lesser incidence of BPH and sheath blight disease(<15% compared to 25-30% under transplanted conditions)

Farmers have accepted the technology and at present the area under DSR in the district has been spread over an area of 10000 ha and is increasing over the years.


Problems Addressed
Post-harvest losses, wastage of fruits during glut and during lockdown

KVK Interventions / technologies demonstrated

  • Capacity building programmes to the farm women to make fig bars
  • Fig bar making technology originally developed by Department of Processing and Food engineering,UAS,Raichur was modified to suit the local needs
  • Technology includes: peeling of figs pulping addition of jaggery (20 %) + citric acid (0.02%) boiling drying the boiled mixture in dryers for 8 hours under 650C cutting the dried fig pulp Rolling and packing

Activities undertaken by ICAR-KVK, Hagari

  • Conducted EDP during 2019-20
  • Name of the village: Srinivas camp, KurugoduTaluk
  • Number of value addition units undergone quality test for the fig bars at PRAFQL lab and having fssai and branding packaging: 10

Advantages of Fig value addition activities

  • Reduction in the post-harvest losses and Employment generation
  • Each value addition unit is producing 20 kgs to 100 kgs of fig bars every day depending on their unit capacity.
  • Farm women are earning on an average 50,000 to 1, 00,000 rupees from the value addition units.
  • B:C ratio for fig value addition activity is : 2:1


  • Farmers/farm women are gaining more profit in selling value added fig bars than selling fruits alone.
  • Demand for fig fruits is increased because of value addition activities.

Integrated Approaches for PBW management in Bt. Cotton

Problem Encountered

  • Pink Bollworm (PBW) incidence causing yield loss to the tune of 60-80 per cent in 2016.
  • Reason for outbreak – wider sowing window.

Technologies Demonstrated By KVK, BALLARI

  • Summer ploughing and field sanitation
  • Sowing of non Bt-cotton all along the border as refuge crop
  • Installation of pheromone traps @ 25/ha at 30 DAS
  • Spray of Profenophos 50 EC @ 2 ml/l (Ovicide)
  • Spray of Thiodicarb 75 WP @ 1 g/l (Ovicidal and Larvicidal)
  • Spray of Lambdacyhalothrin 5 EC @ 1 ml/l (Larvicidal)
  • Spray of bio agent P. fluorescens at5 g/l during vegetation and boll formation stage
  • Spray of Hexaconazole @ 1 ml/l at 15 days after spray of P. fluorescecens

Activities Carried Out By KVK

  • Training and Awareness Programmes
  • Mass campaigning
  • Awareness through mass media like radio and newspapers.
  • Installation of pheromone traps in fields and ginning mills.
  • Efforts to narrow down the sowing window.

Farmers were convinced with the use of IPM practices and also use of pheromone traps for effective management of pink boll worm. At present the PBW incidence is less than 15% in cotton growing areas


Stall-Fed Ram Lambs Fattening As A Livelihood Option For Rural And Peri-Urban Youths In Ballari District.

Problem Addressed
Rural unemployed youths searching for a suitable livelihood option in livestock sector.

The Attributes of  Technology

  • Ever rising demand for mutton especially during certain festivals.
  • Demand for male fattened animals (rams) in local market
  • Returns realised in just 8-9 months of rearing
  • No threat of market fluctuations.
  • Kenguri – a prized local breed is available for fattening. Also YALAGA of Aminagadh area adopts well to the climatic conditions of the district.

A capacity building programme was held at Hampi on 16-08-2021 about banana value addition. On the same day book entitled “BalekayiSotagaurugoladaBaKaHu” written by Shri Padre a renowned writer of the nation and force behind BaKaHu movement was released. Young women groups ‘Bukka Bale balaga’ and ‘Pampapatimahila VNC’ were identified for giving hands on trainings to set up their own banana value addition units.

KVK, Intervention

  • Under Entrepreneurship Development Programme of KVK these young women groups were given hands on trainings to further scale up their enterprises.
  • Series of capacity development programmes were done to impart the knowledge on value addition, branding, licensing and marketing of the banana products.
  • Value added banana samples of these women groups and a farmer were sent to PRFQAL lab of UAS,Raichur for quality testing and after getting the report these groups got FSSAI license to brand and market their products.

Outcome and Impact

  • Two women groups and a banana grower are involved in banana value addition activity
  • BaKaHu production, sukeli (dry banana fig), banana roti are the major attractions of their enterprises
  • They were made to sell their products during VijayanagaraJillautsava and Rotary club exhibitions with the help of local administration.
  • They are selling the BaKaHu to the local customers. Efforts are going on to further link the market to these young entrepreneurs.

Trichoderma-bio-fungicide for the management of diseases in Agriculture and Horticulture crops at Ballari

Low yields in cotton, maize, groundnut, chilli and many plantation crops due to soil borne/ seed borne diseases


  • Ballari being a hub for cultivation of many commercial and vegetable crops such as Cotton, chili, maize, paddy, groundnut and chickpea during Kharif and Rabi season. These crops are widely distributed in potential areas of Ballari, Sandur, Sirguppa, hospete, HBHalliKudligi
  • Diseases such as damping off and root wilt in chilli, Sclerotium root rot in Groundnut, Pomegranate root wilt, Chickpea root wilt, stalk rot in maize/ sorghum and Paddy sheath blight causing huge crop loss in various crop stages.
  • These diseases are dispersed mainly through soil, seed and also agriculture implements from field to field

KVK Intervention

  • To manage these burning issues in field and horticulture crops, ICAR KVK Ballari introduced a novel, ecofriendly approach to farming community by using Trichodermaa bio-fungicide as soil application along with Farm yard manure, as seed dresser, as nursery spray in agriculture and spot application for plantation crops.
  • The importance was also addressed by awareness Programmes, Mass campaigning, through mass media like radio and newspapers and distributed to several OFTs, FLDs, CFLDs farmers also during the period 2015-2021.

Spread of Technology

Farmers of, Ballari, Siruguppa, Hagaribommanahalli, HadagaliKudligi and Hospete accepted the efficacy of Trichoderma by reducing disease incidence and regularly being purchased in many outlets of RaitasamparkaKendras (Nearest sale counter) and also Horticulture college Munirabad, Koppaldist