Name of the farmer: SHM Basaiahswamy
Place : Kaddiramapura, Kamalapura (Hobli), Hosapete (Tq)
Mobile No: 9449133154
Area: 3.5 acre
Education: 9th
- Production of organic sugarcane and paddy.
- Vermi compost production and sale.
- Sale of earthworms.
- Bamboo nursery production.
- Apiculture and honey production and sale.
- Makes boxes for honey bee rearing.
- Has ongole and a raiti cow useful.
- Has varieties of medicinal plants wild fruits.
- Has innovated ‘Monkey Gun’ to scare away Monkeys without harming them sells monkey guns at Rs 1000/gun and earns 35-40 thousands per year.
A Diploma (Agri) student who turned her schooling into a successful entrepreneurial venture
Miss. Anuradha is a Diploma (Agri.) graduate from Diploma College Hagari. She has an intuition to become an Agri. entrepreneur from the beginning and took guidance from the KVK to start a new venture on fish farming in her native.
KVK Intervention
Anuradha took an Agri-entrepreneurship training given to rural youths during the year 2019.
Outcome and Impact
- With the guidance of KVK scientists Anuradha started fish farming during the year 2019 by taking 7 acres of land for lease in her village near Davangere.
- Fishes available in her fish pond are Rohu, Katla, and Grass carp, Gowri, Jillebi and Belachi.
- Her income accounts to 8-12 lakh rupees per annum and expenditure is 4 lakhs, B: C ratio is 2:1
- She sells the fishes in local market as well as to Bangalore market where Belachi fishes are in demand.